Cialis is a very popular drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). It has the longest action time (about 1.5 days) and has a mild effect. The price of the original Cialis is quite high, but there are generics with a more affordable price. Cialis 20 mg is such a generic. It was made in India, has a high quality and efficiency, which has been tested over the years.
Cialis 20 mg is an effective mean developed on Tadalafil base. Its recipe and action exactly match the original Cialis. The drug will help to improve erection if the problems with potency are associated with the following factors:
- age-related changes;
- failures in blood circulation, incl. the pelvic organs;
- psychological problems, fears, lack of self-esteem.
If a man has sexual desire, then there is a 90% chance, that the drug will help him. Without excitement, it will be useless, because it is not a stimulant.
Cialis 20 mg acts for 36 hours, and this is very convenient. Thanks to such a long duration of action, there is no need to plan sex by the hour. Also, it fits well for elderly men. It is desirable to start taking the drug with a lower dose, gradually increasing it when necessary.
Cialis 20 mg 20 pills will be a profitable purchase for those people who want to regain their former male strength and self-confidence.